How to Set Up a Smart Watch and Fitness Tracker

How to Set Up a Smart Watch and Fitness Tracker

How To Setup a GPS Smart Watch

To assist set-up and operation of the TRI-TEK PRO GPS smartwatch, please read the guide below.

The Explorer has a built-in GPS chip and can map activity and routes without the use of a smartphone connection. The data is logged on the InfoWear App making it easy to track progress over days, weeks, and months.
Charge the smart watch using the magnetic charging lead supplied.
Download the InfoWear App on a smartphone, Android and IOS are compatible.
Enable Bluetooth. NOTE ‘Do not connect the smart watch directly through the Bluetooth’. It needs to connect through the App.
In the InfoWear App Tap the Device Tab and the smart watch address will appear.
Add the Device, then follow on-screen instructions. It will prompt to Pair then a second Prompt to Allow Access.
Once paired, access Message Notification Settings to and switch on a choice of social media Apps.
There is an option to synchronise third party Apps, including Apple Health, Google Fit and STRAVA by accessing the Data Authorisation This allows data sharing between InfoWear and the third-party Apps.
Now the Watch is ready for action!
The above steps have been presented graphically on the attached below.

    NOTE GPS Mode

    When in GPS mode there are 4 displays available by swiping up and down. These indicate, distance, time, pace and exertion.

    When STRAVA data authorisation is switched on, the collected fitness data is transferred automatically into the STRAVA APP. (Ensure the data sharing of the APPs is active on the paired smartphone.

    There are many more useful functions on the explorer smart watch listed below.

    Heart Rate Monitor, Sleep Monitor, Calorie Counter and Step Counter. All the data is stored on InfoWear App and can be viewed in chart form.

    Additional useful features include Hydration Reminder, Timers, Various Sports Modes, Find my Phone, Remote camera operation and Play music to name but a few.

    Enjoy your new purchase, if you require any further assistance contact

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